The idea of Santa to Joc is a really weirdly dressed stranger that wants to take her away from her mom. So for this year...get the heck out of here Santa, she's all mine...aside from the photo op of course:)
Merry Christmas To All - A Christmas Printable!!
Find This Print Here
Christmas season is just infectious isn't it, it leaves me feeling all sorts of warm and fuzzy. So I wanted to pass on the warm and fuzzies to you! I painted this the other night for my Christmas wall and was immediately thinking, I need to sell this!! And you know usually Christmas prints are like $10 and what not and I can just never work up the gusto to actually buy them and so I thought, What if I sold my artwork for something stupid like $1.00 (cuz mama's still gotta pay the bills with her skillz) just to spread a bit of Christmas cheer.
So here you go, you can buy this print here for a buck and I'll email you the print for your personal use!!
Wahhoooooooooo, what do you think? If you like the idea please let me know because I have plenty more prints I would love to do this with if you're interested!
* Oh and please no sharing the image I send you, please keep the warm fuzzies I'm giving you for your personal use only. And if you do choose to post it online please credit me back. Thanks a bunch:)
Buffalo CHECK!
This outfit is adorable, I mean I think it is. My taste is questionable these days, I also think shirts without spit up on them are practically coutour. That being said five minutes into wearing it Joc had turned my hair into a ratty mess with the usual sucking/pulling/ripping out fistfulls. My jeans had applesauce flung all over them and I was like f with these mittens, ain't nobody got time for that. But this coat, oh this coat feels just like one of your super soft blankets and the more you snuggle in it the better it looks. So I wrapped myself up in it and got in my pj's and called it a day. People keep telling me that she'll grow out of the hair pulling but um....hi...I'M WAITING!!
momiform monday
outfit post
Thanksgiving In Cali
Would you believe it, for our big Thanksgiving trip I didn't take a single picture on Thanksgiving day...but I did capture a lot of McCammon family goodness. It was so fun to have the entire family together this year. After part of the family moved to Japan and another part moved to Oregon it has been hard to get us all under the same roof at the same time, so this was definitely a treat for us to spend the entire week together.
^^ A bonfire complete with smores!

^^ And spoooky stories (but not too spooky of course, we keep it kid friendly up in here)

^^ Lot's of time for Matt to tease the little ones
^^ Apparently this ghost story was not a crowd pleaser
^^ Why are the little ones always the best at bowling...ah yes bumpers!!
^^ Jocelyn bowled a 300, hence the smile, duh.
^^ We really like bowling okay.
^^ Joc loved to wave to her cousin, and she was so pleased with herself when Eli clapped everytime she did it:)
^^ A nice little hike and snacks
^^ At the zoo getting a groundhogs view
^^ And what is a zoo without a couple of goats to befriend
^^ If you look real hard you can see her two front teeth, I DIE!!
^^ She's skeptical but I know she secretly loved it.
^^And I leave you with a goat in a bucket, because really how else could I leave you.