jeans: Mother boots: Hunter sweater: Nordstrom scarf: Madewell
I'm in the mood to talk. Do you have a sec? You know for one of those girl chats where I just talk and talk and don't necessarily want any solutions. I just want you to bring the kleenex and the large bag of candy and.... can you cry on demand out of sympathy? Ha.
My body is barely functioning right now. Like everything is screaming, SHUT DOWN!!! MAYDAY MAYDAY!!! ABORT!!! And I'm guessing you could guess why my body is acting like this, but I'll just be one of those super annoying bloggers and keep you guessing until the opportune moment for me to spill my guts. k. Also it gives me strange satisfaction that only the people that read my annoying rambly words will get a hint at what's going on. Because you guys are the die hards in my book. The creme de la creme.
I'm pretty sure that this is the only day that I got dressed this week. We walked to the park, and I had to give myself a serious pep talk to get these pictures snapped right before my battery died, and also before you know, my body felt like figuratively dying.
I know that this too shall pass, and my body will feel okay again. But right now it feels like the end of the world, because I have a toddler full of energy, one that is vying for my attention by the minute, which is the cutest you guys, its' the cutest. But I can hardly even pick my head up and muster a smile.
So could you do me a favor? Like a serious solid. Could you comment with a random funny story, or like something that will make me pee my pants. Because I need to forget about my body for a sec and just laugh, and I consider you to be a pretty rad friend.
Thanks a mil.
Gossip Girl